American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of Pluto
April is Global Astronomy Month, as well as National Card and Letter Writing Month, National Poetry Month, and more! Check out the list below for fun ideas to celebrate all these great April holidays and themes along with a set of trivia questions on astronomy.
Global Astronomy Month
STARGAZING PARTY – Hold a stargazing party in the evening, either outside or indoors. Set up telescopes and invite an astronomer or an expert to give a talk about the stars, planets, and constellations.
SOLAR SYSTEM ART – Ask your group to create their own solar system art using paint, markers, or other materials. This activity can be done individually or as a group project, with everyone discussing and sharing their creations.
MOON PHASES CHARTING – Provide your group with a chart or calendar to track the phases of the moon. Encourage them to observe the moon each night and mark the calendar as they go. This activity promotes mindfulness and can also serve as a form of therapy.
National Card and Letter Writing Month
PEN PAL PROGRAM – Partner with a school, church, or community center to establish a pen pal program with your group. Each person can write a letter to their pen pal, sharing stories, experiences, and memories. This activity promotes socialization, communication skills, and the art of letter writing.
DIY GREETING CARDS – Provide your group with materials to make their own greeting cards, such as cardstock, markers, stickers, and glitter. Encourage them to get creative and personalize their cards for loved ones. This activity promotes creativity, fine motor skills, and the joy of giving.
National Poetry Month
POETRY READING – Invite everyone to participate in a poetry reading session. Encourage them to read their favorite poems or share their own original poetry. This activity promotes self-expression, language skills, and appreciation for the arts.
COLLABORATIVE POETRY – Ask each person in your group to contribute a line or two to a collaborative poem. The facilitator can start the poem with a line, and each participant can take turns adding a line until the poem is complete. This activity promotes teamwork, creativity, and the power of collective expression.
Lawn and Garden Month & Earth Day – April 22
PLANTING DAY – Host a planting day for your group, either outside or indoors. Provide them with pots, soil, and seeds to plant their own flowers or herbs. This activity promotes physical activity, sensory stimulation, and the joy of gardening.
NATURE WALK – Take your group on a nature walk around the facility or nearby park. Encourage them to observe the flowers, trees, and wildlife. This activity promotes physical activity, sensory stimulation, and appreciation for nature.
National Library Week – April 23-29
MY FAVORITE STORIES & BOOKS – Have everyone in your group choose their favorite books to share with others. Have each participant explain why they chose that book. Record everyone’s favorites and print out a list to share with everyone. You can also ask everyone to pick their favorites from your facility’s own library and feature those books on a separate shelf or table as your “Resident’s Recommendations.”
LIBRARY SCAVENGER HUNT – Create a scavenger hunt list that includes different genres of books, specific titles, and other items that can be found in your facility’s library. Residents can work individually or in teams to find all the items on the list.
Challenge your group to see if they know these fun facts about outer space and astronomical history!
- What is the name of the galaxy that our solar system belongs to? The Milky Way
- What is the largest planet in our solar system? Jupiter
- What is the smallest planet in our solar system? Mercury
- What is the name of the first artificial satellite sent into space? Sputnik 1, launched into space by the Soviet Union in 1957
- What is the name of the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth? John Glenn
- Who proposed the heliocentric theory of the solar system, placing the Sun at the center and the planets orbiting around it? Nicolaus Copernicus
- Who was the first astronomer to use a telescope to observe the sky? Galileo Galilei
- What was the name of the space shuttle prototype, named after the starship featured in the popular television show Star Trek? Enterprise
- What is the name of the largest volcano in our solar system? Olympus Mons on Mars
- How long does it take the moon to orbit the Earth? 27.3 days
“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” ~ Vincent van Gogh
“Written in the Stars” was written by Danielle Goodman. Copyright 2023 ElderSong Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.
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